Được rồi vì vậy tôi có một mã lấy văn bản từ một nơi nào đó và lưu nó trong biến "trả lời" nhưng nó có / ký hiệu trộn lẫn với văn bản ... làm cách nào để loại bỏ chúng ... Đây là mã
tell application "Safari"
end tell
set defaultAnswer to ""
set cancelButton to "Cancel"
set buttonResearch to "ReSearch"
display dialog "Query: " default answer defaultAnswer buttons {cancelButton, buttonResearch} default button buttonResearch cancel button cancelButton with icon 1
copy the result as list to {button_pressed, text_returned}
tell application "Dragon Dictate"
set listening to false
end tell
if (button_pressed is buttonResearch) and (text_returned is not "") then
set a to "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i="
set b to encode_text(text_returned, true, false)
set c to a & b
tell application "Safari"
end tell
if application "Safari" is running then exit repeat
end repeat
delay 1
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari" to set visible to false
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:c})
end tell
end tell
end if
say "let me look that up for you now"
delay 6
tell application "Safari" to set theString to (source of document 1)
(* Strip the text and only return the last line*)
set input to do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of theString) & "|sed -n \"/stringified/,/mInput/p\" | sed '$!N;$!D'"
global answer
set offSet1 to "\"stringified\": \""
set offSet2 to "\",\"mInput\""
my strip(offSet1, offSet2, input)
set mywordcount to count of words of answer
if mywordcount is greater than 50 then
display dialog x
end if
tell application "Safari"
end tell
tell application "Dragon Dictate"
set listening to true
end tell
on strip(offSet1, offSet2, thedata)
(* Use the offsets of the pattens to match the text # thru # *)
set textNumber1 to (offset of offSet1 in thedata)
set theData1 to text -1 thru (textNumber1 + (count of offSet1)) of thedata
set textNumber2 to (offset of offSet2 in theData1)
set textString2 to text from word 1 to (textNumber2 - 1) of theData1
set thedata to theData1
set answer to textString2
end strip
-- encoding high-ASCII characters:
on encode_char(this_char)
set the ASCII_num to (the ASCII number this_char)
set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set x to item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item ((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
return ("%" & x & y) as string
end encode_char
-- TEXT ENCODING: encode spaces and high-level ASCII characters (those above 127)
-- encode_URL_A = encode most of the special characters reserved for use by URLs.
on encode_text(this_text, encode_URL_A, encode_URL_B)
set the standard_characters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
set the URL_A_chars to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}[]\"~`^\\|*"
set the URL_B_chars to ".-_:"
set the acceptable_characters to the standard_characters
if encode_URL_A is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_A_chars
if encode_URL_B is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_B_chars
set the encoded_text to ""
repeat with this_char in this_text
if this_char is in the acceptable_characters then
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & this_char)
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & encode_char(this_char)) as string
end if
end repeat
return the encoded_text
end encode_text