Python 2 , 3990 3430 4412 4313 byte
Về cơ bản, đây là một A * với phương pháp heuristic xấu xí và một getChildren
phương pháp xấu xí . Để chạy 3 trường hợp thử nghiệm liên tiếp mất 6.5s
trên máy của tôi. Chức năng f
là giải pháp ở đây. Nó lấy bản đồ dưới dạng chuỗi và trả về bản đồ đã giải dưới dạng chuỗi.
from itertools import*
import sys
from Queue import*
class M:
def T(a):return a in">|\\/-MX"
def C(a,b,c,d,x,y,e):
if not M.T(d)or not M.T(e):return 0
if e in"MX"and d in"MX"and e!=d:return 1
if d==A:return x>0 and(e==D and y==-1 or e==E and y==0 or e==C and y==1)
if d==F:return e==C and K(x+y)==2 or e==D and x+y==0 or e==B and x==0 or e==E and y==0
if d==G:
if b!=0!=c and K(b-x)+K(c-y)==1:return 0
return e==C and K(x+y)==2 or e==D and x+y==0 or e==B and x==0 or e==E and y==0
if e!=""and e in"MX>"and a!=""and a in"MX>":return M.C("",0,0,a,-b,-c,d)and M.C("",0,0,e,-x,-y,d)
elif e!=""and e in"MX>"and a!="":return M.C("",0,0,d,b,c,a)and M.C("",0,0,e,-x,-y,d)
elif e!=""and e in"MX>"and a=="":return M.C("",0,0,e,-x,-y,d)
elif a!=""and a in"MX>":return M.C("",0,0,a,-b,-c,d)and M.C("",0,0,d,x,y,e)
for k in f:
for i in H(j,L(k)):
if k[i]!=h[i]:l=0
if n[i]!=h[i]:m=0
if l or m:g=1
return g
def __init__(s,a):s.m=[list(x)for x in a.split("\n")]
def __str__(s):return"\n".join(["".join(x)for x in s.m])
def A(s):return str(s)
def B(s):return L(s.m[0])
def D(s):return L(s.m)
def E(s):
for y in H(1,s.D()-1):
for x in H(1,s.B()-1):
if s.J(x,y)==F and L(s.H(x,y, F))==0:a+=[(x,y)]
return a
def F(s):
for y in H(s.D()):
for x in H(s.B()):
if s.J(x,y)==A:return(x,y)
def G(s):
for y in H(0,s.D()-1):
for x in H(0,s.B()-1):
if b==A:
if c==0:a=(x,y)
if c==1:return(x,y)
if a!=0:
return a
raise ValueError()
def J(s,x,y):return s.m[y][x]
def K(s,x,y,b):
a=[[i for i in row]for row in s.m];a[y][x]=b
return"\n".join("".join(x)for x in a)
def H(s,x,y,c):
for a,b in J(I([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
if M.T(g)and M.C("",0,0,c,a,b,g):e+=[[g,a,b]]
if L(e)==1:return[e[0][0]]
if L(e)==0:return[]
for g,h in I(e,2):
i,j,k=g;l,m,n=h;o=x + m;p=y + n
if M.C(i,j,k,c,m,n,l):
if l==F:
if L(s.H(o,p,l))>=1:d+=[l]
return d
def I(s,x,y,a,b):
if a==0 or b==0:return 0
return(M.T(a)or a==F)and(M.T(b)or b==F)
class P:
def A(x0,y0,x1,y1):return K(x0-x1)+4*K(y0-y1)
def __init__(s,a,p,t=0,g=0):
if p:s.d=p.d[:];s.d+=[a];s.e=p.e;s.f=p.f
def __str__(s):return s.g.A()
def B(s):
if L(d)==0 and not a:g=P.A(c[0],c[1],e[0],e[1])+b
elif L(d)==0 and a:return 0
elif c:
for j in combinations(d,L(d)):
for x,y in j:k+=P.A(h,i,x,y);h,i=x,y
else:return sys.maxint
if g<1:return 0
return g
def C(s):
for x,y in J(I([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
if M.T(i)and M.C("",0,0,i,x,y,b):c=(i,x,y)
if i=="~":e=(x,y)
for x,y in J(I([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
if not(i in"^#"or M.T(i)):
for j in"-|\\/":
if i=="~":
if c[0]==G:continue
if c[0]==G and K(e[0])==1 and y==c[1]:continue
if c[0]==G and K(e[1])==1 and x==c[0]:continue
if(l==1 or l==2 and A in k)and M.C(c[0],c[1],c[2],b,x,y,j)and not s.g.I(a[0],a[1],x,y):
def f(x):
while not d and b.qsize():
for e in c.a:
if e.c not in a:
if not e.h:d=e.d
return d[-1]
Hãy thử trực tuyến!
Các trường hợp thử nghiệm
Kiểm tra 1
# ---M #
#/ ^ \ #
> ^^ M #
#\ ^ | #
# M | #
# \ ^^\ #
# -----M#
Kiểm tra 2
# #
# M---------M #
# / ^ / #
# | ^ M- #
#~X~~~~~^ \ #
# | | #
# \^ | #
# --M^ | #
#/ ^- \ #
> ^^^/ \ M#
#\ / \ / #
# -- M---- #
Bài kiểm tra 3
# M ~ #
#/ \ ~ #
> --X----M #
#\ ~ / #
# ----X--- #
# ~ #
Mã nguồn
A * Trạng thái + A * Lớp giải
Tôi thực sự đánh gôn những giải pháp này. Nhưng chúng tồn tại trong phiên bản 'dễ đọc' của tôi . Các lớp nhà nước là chung chung và có nghĩa là để thực hiện. Lớp Solver lấy trạng thái bắt đầu và sau đó theo trạng thái heuristic đó getDist
from Queue import PriorityQueue
# A* State
class State(object):
# The type of value should be a primative
def __init__(self, value, parent, start=0, goal=0):
self.children = []
self.parent = parent
self.value = value
self.dist = 0
if parent:
self.path = parent.path[:]
self.start = parent.start
self.goal = parent.goal
self.path = [value]
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
# Implement a heuristic for calculating the distance from this state to the goal
def getDist(self):
# Implement a way to create children for this state
def createChildren(self):
# A* Solver
# Note: if maxmin = 1: Solver tries to minimize the distance
# if maxmin = -1: Solver tries to maximize the distance
class AStar_Solver:
def __init__(self,startState,maxmin=1):
self.path = []
self.visitedQueue = []
self.priorityQueue = PriorityQueue()
self.startState = startState
self.maxmin = maxmin
self.count = 0
# Create a png of the string 'qPop'
def imager(self,qPop):
# Imager(qPop,str(self.count).rjust(5,"0")+".png")
# print str(qPop)+"\n"
self.count += 1
# Solve the puzzle
def solve(self):
while(not self.path and self.priorityQueue.qsize()):
closestChild = self.priorityQueue.get()[1]
for child in closestChild.children:
if child.value not in self.visitedQueue:
if not child.dist:
self.path = child.path
if not self.path:
print "Goal was not reachable"
return self.path
Lớp nhà nước
Đây là việc thực hiện lớp trạng thái A *. Phương pháp quan trọng nhất ở đây là getDist
, đó là phương pháp phỏng đoán để xác định mức độ gần self
với mục tiêu. Về cơ bản, đó là khoảng cách tối thiểu để truy cập tất cả các điểm đến còn lại và quay lại để bắt đầu.
from A_Star import State,AStar_Solver
from Ruby_Map import Map
from itertools import combinations, permutations
import sys
# A state class designed to work with A*
class State_Pathfinder(State):
# This is deprecated
def toValue(location):
return str(location[0])+","+str(location[1])
# Calculate the weighted distance between 2 points.
# Not sure why the deltaY is more weighted. My theory
# is that it is because the starting point is always
# on a side. So vertical space is most precious?
def distance(x0,y0,x1,y1):
# return (abs(x0-x1)**2+abs(y0-y1)**2)**.5
return 1*abs(x0-x1)+4*abs(y0-y1)
def __init__(self, maps, parent, value=0, start=0, goal=0):
super(State_Pathfinder,self).__init__(maps,parent,start,goal) = Map(maps)
self.dist = self.getDist()
if not value:
location =
self.value = maps
self.path = [self.value]
def __str__(self):
# The heuristic function that tells us
# how far we are from the goal
def getDist(self):
blownup = False
location = None
location =
except ValueError as e:
blownup = True
destinations =
goal =
dist = []
if len(destinations) == 0 and not blownup:
dist = State_Pathfinder.distance(location[0],location[1],goal[0],goal[1])+WEIGHT
elif len(destinations) == 0 and blownup:
return 0
elif location:
oldX,oldY = location
for path in combinations(destinations,len(destinations)):
length = 0
for pair in path:
x,y = pair
length += State_Pathfinder.distance(oldX,oldY,x,y)
oldX,oldY = x,y
dist = min(dist)
dist +=
return sys.maxint
if dist<1:
return 0
return dist
# Creates all possible (legal) child states of this state
def createChildren(self):
if not self.children:
location =
self.children = []
track =[0],location[1])
intrack = ("",0,0)
river = (0,0)
for x,y in set(permutations([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
realX,realY = location[0]+x,location[1]+y
adjacent =,realY)
if Map.isTrack(adjacent) and Map.isConnected("",0,0,adjacent,x,y,track):
intrack = (adjacent,x,y)
if adjacent=="~":
river = (x,y)
for x,y in set(permutations([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
realX,realY = location[0]+x,location[1]+y
adjacent =,realY)
if not Map.isBlocking(adjacent) and not adjacent in "M":
for outtrack in "-|\\/":
if adjacent=="~":
if intrack[0]=="X":continue
if intrack[0]=="X" and abs(river[0])==1 and y==intrack[1]:continue
if intrack[0]=="X" and abs(river[1])==1 and x==intrack[0]:continue
connections =,realY,outtrack)
hoppin = len(connections)
connected = Map.isConnected(intrack[0],intrack[1],intrack[2],track,x,y,outtrack)
blocked =[0],location[1],x,y)
if (hoppin==1 or hoppin==2 and ">" in connections) and connected and not blocked:
maps =,realY,outtrack)
value = State_Pathfinder.toValue((realX,realY))
child = State_Pathfinder(maps,self,value)
except ValueError as e:
print "Bad kid"
print e
# The solution function. Takes a map string
# and returns a map string.
def f(mapX):
a = AStar_Solver(State_Pathfinder(mapX,0))
print a.path[-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
map1 = """###########
# M #
# ^ #
> ^^ M #
# ^ #
# M #
# ^^ #
# M#
map2 = """#################
# #
# M M #
# ^ #
# ^ M #
#~~~~~~~^ #
# #
# ^ #
# M^ #
# ^ #
> ^^^ M#
# #
# M #
map3 = """###############
# M ~ #
# ~ #
> ~ M #
# ~ #
# ~ #
# ~ #
Lớp bản đồ
Lớp này lưu trữ và xử lý bản đồ. Các isConnected
phương pháp có lẽ là phần quan trọng nhất. Nó kiểm tra xem 2 phần của bản nhạc có được kết nối hay không.
from itertools import permutations,combinations
# A map class designed to hold string map
# the specification is found here:
class Map(object):
# Is 'track' part of the railroad?
def isTrack(track):
return track in ">|\\/-MX"
# Can I not build on this terrian?
def isBlocking(terrian):
return terrian in "^#" or (Map.isTrack(terrian) and not terrian=="M")
# Are these 3 consecuative tracks connected in a legal fashion?
def isConnected(inTerrian,relativeXin,relativeYin,centerTerrian,relativeXout,relativeYout,outTerrian):
tin = inTerrian
xin = relativeXin
yin = relativeYin
x = relativeXout
y = relativeYout
tout = outTerrian
center = centerTerrian
if not Map.isTrack(center) or not Map.isTrack(tout):
return False
if tout in "MX" and center in "MX" and tout!=center:
return True
if center == ">":
return x>0 and (\
tout == "/" and y == -1 or \
tout == "-" and y == 0 or \
tout == "\\" and y == 1 \
if center == "M":
return tout == "\\" and abs(x+y) == 2 or \
tout == "/" and x+y == 0 or \
tout == "|" and x == 0 or \
tout == "-" and y == 0
if center == "X":
if xin!=0!=yin and abs(xin-x)+abs(yin-y) == 1:
return False
return tout == "\\" and abs(x+y) == 2 or \
tout == "/" and x+y == 0 or \
tout == "|" and x == 0 or \
tout == "-" and y == 0
if tout!="" and tout in "MX>" and tin!="" and tin in "MX>":
return Map.isConnected("",0,0,tin,-xin,-yin,center) and Map.isConnected("",0,0,tout,-x,-y,center)
elif tout!="" and tout in "MX>" and tin!="":
return Map.isConnected("",0,0,center,xin,yin,tin) and Map.isConnected("",0,0,tout,-x,-y,center)
elif tout!="" and tout in "MX>" and tin=="":
return Map.isConnected("",0,0,tout,-x,-y,center)
elif tin!="" and tin in "MX>":
return Map.isConnected("",0,0,tin,-xin,-yin,center) and Map.isConnected("",0,0,center,x,y,tout)
allowed = [ \
["-",-1,0,"-",1,0,"-"], \
["/",-1,1,"-",1,0,"-"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"-",1,0,"-"], \
["-",-1,0,"-",1,1,"\\"], \
["-",-1,0,"-",1,-1,"/"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"-",1,-1,"/"], \
["/",-1,1,"-",1,1,"\\"], \
["/",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"/"], \
["/",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"-"], \
["/",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"|"], \
["|",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"/"], \
["-",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"/"], \
["|",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"-"], \
["-",-1,1,"/",1,-1,"|"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"\\"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"-"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"|"], \
["|",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"\\"], \
["-",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"\\"], \
["|",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"-"], \
["-",-1,-1,"\\",1,1,"|"], \
["|",0,-1,"|",0,1,"|"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"|",0,1,"|"], \
["/",1,-1,"|",0,1,"|"], \
["|",0,-1,"|",-1,1,"/"], \
["|",0,-1,"|",1,1,"\\"], \
["/",1,-1,"|",1,1,"\\"], \
["\\",-1,-1,"|",-1,1,"/"] \
passing = False
forward = [tin,xin,yin,center,x,y,tout]
start = [0,3][tin==""]
for allow in allowed:
maybeF = True
maybeB = True
backallowed = [allow[6],allow[4],allow[5],allow[3],allow[1],allow[2],allow[0]]
for i in range(start,len(allow)):
if allow[i]!=forward[i] and str(forward[i])not in"*":
maybeF = False
if backallowed[i]!=forward[i] and str(forward[i])not in"*":
maybeB = False
if maybeF or maybeB:
passing = True
return passing
def __init__(self,mapString):
self.indexableMap = [list(x) for x in mapString.split("\n")]
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(["".join(x) for x in self.indexableMap])
# Get the string representation of this map
def getDisplay(self):
return self.__str__()
# Get map width
def getWidth(self):
return len(self.indexableMap[0])
# Get map height
def getHeight(self):
return len(self.indexableMap)
# Get unvisited destinations
def getDestinations(self):
destinations = []
for y in xrange(1,self.getHeight()-1):
for x in xrange(1,self.getWidth()-1):
sigma = 2
if self.get(x,y)=="M":
sigma = len(self.getConnections(x,y,"M"))
if sigma==0:
return destinations
# Get the x,y of the goal (endpoint)
def getGoal(self):
for y in xrange(self.getHeight()):
for x in xrange(self.getWidth()):
if self.get(x,y)==">":
return (x,y)
# Get the x,y of the current location
def getLocation(self):
location = None
for y in xrange(0,self.getHeight()-1):
for x in xrange(0,self.getWidth()-1):
track = self.get(x,y)
sigma = len(self.getConnections(x,y,track))
if track == ">":
if sigma==0:
location = (x,y)
sigma = 0
if sigma == 1:
return (x,y)
if location != None:
return location
raise ValueError('No location found in map\n'+self.getDisplay())
# Get the terrian at x,y
def get(self,x,y):
return self.indexableMap[y][x]
# Set the terrain at x,y
# (non-destructive)
def set(self,x,y,value):
newMap = [[i for i in row] for row in self.indexableMap]
newMap[y][x] = value
return "\n".join(["".join(x) for x in newMap])
# Get the track connectioning to a piece of track at x,y
def getConnections(self,x,y,track):
connections = []
tracks = []
for a,b in set(permutations([-1,-1,0,1,1],2)):
outtrack = self.get(x+a,y+b)
if Map.isTrack(outtrack) and Map.isConnected("",0,0,track,a,b,outtrack):
if len(tracks)==1:return [tracks[0][0]]
if len(tracks)==0:return []
for inner,outer in permutations(tracks,2):
intrack,relXin,relYin = inner
other,relX,relY = outer
ex = x + relX
ey = y + relY
if Map.isConnected(intrack,relXin,relYin,track,relX,relY,other):
if other == "M":
if len(self.getConnections(ex,ey,other))>=1:
return connections
# Is could a piece of track at x,y build in
# the direct of relX,relY?
def isBlocked(self,x,y,relX,relY):
if relX==0 or relY==0:
return False
side1 = self.get(x+relX,y)
side2 = self.get(x,y+relY)
return (Map.isTrack(side1) or side1=="M") and (Map.isTrack(side2) or side2=="M")
Cập nhật
- -560 [17-03-31] Một loạt các môn đánh gôn regex cơ bản
- +982 [17-03-31] Đã sửa lỗi đặt rãnh bất hợp pháp. Cảm ơn @ fəˈnɛtɪk !
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