Haskell - 1493 byte
Trong phiên bản này, không có thông báo lỗi chi tiết và đầu ra cơ bản hơn nhiều. Sự thay đổi lớn đã được thay thế Either String a
bằng Maybe a
và vì cả hai đều là đơn nguyên, điều này đã được thực hiện bằng cách đơn giản là trao đổi Right a
với Just a
và Left String
với Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Prelude hiding ((>>=),concatMap,filter,foldl,head,last,map,null,replicate)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad hiding (replicateM)
import Data.Vector hiding ((++),concat,foldM,reverse,zip)
main=getLine>>= \s->h$t<$>(zip$cycle[w,v])<$>b s>>= \m->u(\b(c,x)->case d b x c of r@(Just _)->r;Nothing->if not$null$findIndices(\y->e$d b y c)$t[(x,y)|x<-[0..7],y<-[0..7]];then é;else d b x$not c)k$n m
where b(x:y:s)=(:)(read [x],read [y])<$>b s;b(_:_)=é;b[]=è[];d b z c=let d=join$m(f b z c)$m(\v->(head v,last v))$replicateM 2$t[-1,0,1];in if null d;then Nothing;else u(\b (x,y)->case b!?y of Just r->(case r!?x of Just _->è$b//[(y,r//[(x,è c)])];Nothing->é);Nothing->é)b$n$d`snoc`z;e(Nothing)=w;e(Just _)=v;f b(x,y)c z@(u,v)=let r=x+u;s=y+v;t=(r,s);in (case g b t of Just(Just d)->if d==c;then l;else (case g b (r+u,s+v) of Just(Just _)->t`cons`f b t c z;_->l);Just(Nothing)->l;Nothing->l);g b(x,y)=(case b!?y of Just col->col!?x;Nothing->é);h(Just b)=p$(o$n$m(\r->o(n$m(\c->case c of Just False->"B";Just True->"W";Nothing->".")r)++"\n")b)++i(q(\(w,b)(rw,rb)->(w+rw,b+rb))(0,0)$m(\r->q(\s@(w,b)c->case c of Just True->(w+1,b);Just False->(w,b+1);_->s)(0,0)r)b);h Nothing=p"e";i(w,b)|w>b="W"++s w|b>w="B"++s b|v="N"++s(w+b);j=r 8 é;k=r 8 j//[(3,j//[(3,è v),(4,è w)]),(4,j//[(3,è w),(4,è v)])];l=empty;m=map;n=toList;o=concat;p=putStrLn;q=foldl;r=replicate;s=show;t=fromList;u=foldM;v=True;w=False;é=Nothing;è=Just
$ printf "232425140504032627" | ./nano-rve
Phiên bản gốc - 4533 byte
Tôi sẽ chơi golf khi có thi đấu!
chỉnh sửa Nó đã đến
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Prelude hiding ((>>=),concatMap,filter,foldl,map,null,replicate)
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.Vector hiding ((++),concat,foldM,reverse,zip)
type Case = Maybe Bool
type Board = Vector (Vector Case)
type Coord = (Int,Int)
-- fmap (toList) $ replicateM 2 [-1,0,1] -- minus (0,0)
directions :: Vector Coord
directions = fromList [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)]
-- [(x,y) | x <- [0..7], y <- [0..7]]
allCoords :: Vector Coord
allCoords = fromList [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(0,4),(0,5),(0,6),(0,7),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(1,7),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(2,6),(2,7),(3,0),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6),(3,7),(4,0),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3),(4,4),(4,5),(4,6),(4,7),(5,0),(5,1),(5,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),(5,7),(6,0),(6,1),(6,2),(6,3),(6,4),(6,5),(6,6),(6,7),(7,0),(7,1),(7,2),(7,3),(7,4),(7,5),(7,6),(7,7)]
initBoard :: Board
initBoard = vs // [(3,v1),(4,v2)]
where va = replicate 8 Nothing
v1 = va // [(3,Just True),(4,Just False)]
v2 = va // [(3,Just False),(4,Just True)]
vs = replicate 8 va
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard b = (concat $ toList $ map (showRow) b) ++ (showScore b)
where showCase :: Case -> String
showCase c = case c of
Just False -> "░B"
Just True -> "▓W"
Nothing -> "██"
showRow :: Vector Case -> String
showRow r = concat (toList $ map (showCase) r) ++ "\n"
showScore :: Board -> String
showScore b = winner score ++ "\n"
where scoreCase :: (Int,Int) -> (Maybe Bool) -> (Int,Int)
scoreCase (w,b) (Just True) = (w+1,b)
scoreCase (w,b) (Just False) = (w,b+1)
scoreCase s _ = s
scoreRow :: Vector Case -> (Int,Int)
scoreRow r = foldl (scoreCase) (0,0) r
score :: (Int,Int)
score = foldl (\(w,b) (rw,rb) -> (w+rw,b+rb)) (0,0) $ map (scoreRow) b
winner :: (Int,Int) -> String
winner (w,b) | w > b = "White with " ++ show w ++ " against Black with " ++ show b ++ "."
| b > w = "Black with " ++ show b ++ " against White with " ++ show w ++ "."
| otherwise = "Nobody with " ++ show (w+b) ++ "."
printBoard :: Board -> IO ()
printBoard b = putStrLn $ showBoard b
pm :: Either String Board -> IO ()
pm (Right b) = printBoard b
pm (Left s) = putStrLn s
lookupBoard :: Board -> Coord -> Either String Case
lookupBoard b (x,y) = case b !? y of
Just col -> case col !? x of
Just c -> Right c
Nothing -> Left "x is out of bounds"
Nothing -> Left "y is out of bounds"
updateBoard :: Board -> Coord -> Bool -> Either String Board
updateBoard b (x,y) c = case b !? y of
Just r -> case r !? x of
Just _ -> Right $ b // [(y,r // [(x,Just c)])]
Nothing -> Left "x is out of bounds"
Nothing -> Left "y is out of bounds"
makePath :: Board -> Coord -> Bool -> Coord -> Vector Coord
makePath b (x,y) c (px,py) = case lookupBoard b (nx,ny) of
Right (Just pc) -> if pc == c
then empty
else case lookupBoard b (nx+px,ny+py) of
Right (Just _) -> (nx,ny) `cons` makePath b (nx,ny) c (px,py)
_ -> empty
Right (Nothing) -> empty
Left _ -> empty
where nx = x+px
ny = y+py
makeMove :: Board -> Coord -> Bool -> Either String Board
makeMove b xy@(x,y) c = if null cases
then Left $ "impossible move " ++ show xy ++ "."
else foldM (\ob (cx,cy) -> updateBoard ob (cx,cy) c) b $ toList $ cases `snoc` (x,y)
where cases = join $ map (makePath b (x,y) c) directions
makeMoves :: Board -> Vector (Bool,Coord) -> Either String Board
makeMoves b ms = foldM (\ob (c,xy) -> case makeMove ob xy c of
rb@(Right _) -> rb
Left _ -> if not $ null $ findIndices (\xy -> isRight $ makeMove ob xy c) allCoords
then Left $ "wrong move " ++ show xy ++ "."
else makeMove ob xy (not c)) b $ toList ms
movesFromString :: String -> Either String (Vector (Bool,Coord))
movesFromString cs = fromList <$> (zip $ cycle [False,True]) <$> coords cs
where coords (x:y:cs) = (:) (read [x],read [y]) <$> coords cs
coords (_:cs) = Left "invalid coordinates string"
coords [] = Right []
isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
isRight (Left _) = False
isRight (Right _) = True
main=getLine>>= \s->pm$movesFromString s>>=makeMoves initBoard
Lưu ý: Ví dụ thứ hai của bạn phải là 2324251 4 0504032627.
Xét nghiệm
Với ảnh chụp màn hình để ngăn ngừa bỏng mắt.
$ printf "232425140504032627" | ./rve
![kiểm tra 1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/CY8Rf.png)
$ printf "2324" | ./rve
![kiểm tra 2](https://i.stack.imgur.com/TVvUV.png)
$ printf "1" | ./rve
invalid coordinates string
$ printf "24" | ./rve
wrong move (2,4).
Có thể nhận được impossible move (x,y)
khi bạn sử dụng nội tại (các chức năng từ các bộ phận của chương trình và bạn không nên sử dụng) và x/y is out of bounds