Làm cách nào tôi có thể tính toán mức hiện tại từ tổng XP, khi mỗi cấp yêu cầu XP nhiều hơn theo tỷ lệ?


Trong trò chơi của tôi, XP cần để đạt cấp độ tiếp theo là Cấp độ hiện tại × Ngưỡng cấp độ . Cho rằng, làm thế nào tôi có thể có được mức độ hiện tại của tôi từ tổng số XP từng kiếm được?

Ví dụ:

Level Threshold = 50
Current Level = 1

Bắt đầu từ cấp 1, tôi sẽ cần (1 × 50) = 50 XP để lên cấp 2, v.v.

Level 1: 50 XP needed to reach level 2
Level 2: 100 more XP needed to reach level 3
Level 3: 150 more XP needed to reach level 4

Nói cách khác, bảng tiến trình như sau:

Level 1: 0 XP to 49 XP
Level 2: 50 XP to 149 XP 
Level 3: 150 XP to 299 XP
Level 4: 300 XP to 499 XP

Nếu tôi có 300 XP, tôi sẽ chỉ đạt cấp 4. Làm thế nào tôi có thể tính toán chung?

Lượng XP cần thiết cho cấp độ tiếp theo không tăng lên mức hiện tại cao hơn?

Chà, câu hỏi đầu tiên bạn cần trả lời là: giá trị "ngưỡng" cho mỗi cấp độ là gì? Dựa trên ví dụ của bạn, nếu chúng tôi giả định rằng 300 XP là mức tối thiểu để đạt cấp 4, thì ngưỡng của bạn tăng lên 75 sau cấp 3. Sau khi bạn xác định tần số mà ngưỡng tăng, thì bạn có thể đưa ra thuật toán để tính toán , giống như những người khác đang cố gắng thực hiện câu trả lời của họ

Majte đưa ra một câu trả lời tốt cho cách tính toán, nhưng câu trả lời "tốt nhất" chỉ đơn giản là không tính toán nó .... lưu trữ exp tổng thể, mà còn lưu trữ mức hiện tại và XP delta. Đặt lại delta mỗi khi bạn lên cấp và bạn có tất cả thông tin bạn cần (cấp, cấp + 1, tổng xp, delta xp) để dễ dàng tính toán mọi thứ bạn cần sử dụng / hiển thị
Jon Story

@JonStory Thật vậy. Tôi đã giải thích một chút về điều này trong câu trả lời của mình bởi vì, ai thực sự tính toán mức độ năng động mọi lúc? Câu hỏi này, về bản chất, chỉ là một câu hỏi toán học, vì nó không xem xét vai trò của các cấp độ trong một hệ thống trò chơi.

Câu trả lời:


Khi làm bài toán và giải cho Levelđiều kiện dựa trên kinh nghiệm XP, chúng tôi có được:


Ví dụ: cấp độ của người chơi cho bao nhiêu?XP=300


Như yêu cầu.

Hoặc, mức độ là XP = 100000gì?


Nói chung hơn, cho một ngưỡng bắt đầu tùy ý ở Cấp 1:


Bạn cũng có thể làm ngược lại và tính toán mức XPcần thiết cho bất kỳ cấp độ nào bằng cách giải công thức trên cho XP.


Lưu ý rằng công thức trên hoạt động với phân số nhưng bạn cần làm tròn xuống giá trị số nguyên tiếp theo. Ví dụ: trong C ++ / C # bạn có thể sử dụng Cấp độ (int).

Để thu được công thức dạng đóng ở trên, tôi đã sử dụng các phương trình sai khác, tổng Gauss và công thức bậc hai.

Nếu bạn quan tâm đến giải pháp của công thức này từng bước ...

Chúng tôi thực hiện một thuật toán đệ quy bằng cách bắt đầu xem xét cuối cùng Experience(next_level) = Experience(current_level) + current_level*50 .

Ví dụ: để thu được ta có:XPLevel3


Trường hợp, 2*50xuất phát từ yêu cầu của OP rằng kinh nghiệm cần thiết để đạt cấp độ tiếp theo là cấp độ hiện tại * 50.

Bây giờ, chúng ta thay thế bằng logic tương tự vào công thức. Đó là:XpLevel2

Thay thế vào công thức trên:XPLevel2=XPLevel1+2×50


chỉ là 50, đó là điểm khởi đầu của chúng tôi. Vì thếXpLevel1


Chúng ta có thể nhận ra một mô hình để tính toán đệ quy các mức cao hơn và một chuỗi tổng kết hữu hạn.


Trong đó N là mức cần đạt được. Để có được XP cho cấp độ N, chúng ta cần giải quyết cho N.

XpLevetôiN÷50= =Σtôi= =0n-1tôi

Bây giờ, phía bên tay phải chỉ đơn giản là một tổng kết từ 1 đến N-1, có thể được biểu thị bằng tổng kết Gaussian nổi tiếng N×(N+1)÷2N. Hence


or just


Finally, putting everything on one side:


This is now a quadratic formula yielding a negative and positive solution, of which only the positive is relevant as there are no negative levels. We now obtain:


The current level conditional on XP and linear threshold is therefore:


Note Knowing these steps can be useful to solve for even more complex progressions. In the RPG realm you will see besides a linear progression as here, the actually more common fractional power or square relationship, e.g. Level=XP5.0. However, for game implementation itself, I believe this solution to be less optimal as ideally you should know all your level progressions beforehand instead of calculating them at runtime. For my own engine, I use therefore pre-processed experience tables, which are more flexible and often faster. However, to write those tables first, or, to just merely ask yourself what XP is needed to, let's say, obtain Level 100, this formula provides the quickest way aimed at answering the OP's specific question.

Edit: This formula is fully working as it should and it outputs correctly the current level conditional on XP with a linear threshold progression as requested by the OP. (The previous formula outputted "level+1" by assuming the player started from Level 0, which was my erring--I had solved it on my lunch break by writing on a small tissue! :)

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

@JoshPetrie The problem for us who just saw this question later, is that the chat link is broken. Any way of recovering it?

@MAnd I undeleted it, but it will go away again on its own in another eight days or so.


The simple and generic solution, if you don't need to repeat this calculation millions of times per second (and if you do, you're probably doing something wrong), is just to use a loop:

expLeft = playerExp
level = 1
while level < levelCap and expLeft >= 0:
    expLeft = expLeft - expToAdvanceFrom(level)
    level = level + 1

if expLeft < 0: level = level - 1     # correct overshoot

The big advantage of this method, besides requiring no complicated mathematics, is that it works for any arbitrary exp-per-level function. If you like, you can even just make up arbitrary exp values per level, and store them in a table.

If you do (for some strange reason) need an even faster solution, you can also precalculate the total amount of exp needed to reach each level, store this in a table, and use a binary search to find the player's level. The precalculation still takes time proportional to the total number of levels, but the lookup then requires only time proportional to the logarithm of the number of levels.

Most flexible solution. And since speed doesn't matter for a one-time computation, best one i guess.

@Majte: Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I'm not suggesting that any of the posted solutions would require "millions of iterations". What I meant to say is that, unless you somehow need to calculate the player's level millions of times per second, my (naïve brute-force) solution is more than fast enough. The other solutions, based on algebraically deriving a closed-form formula for the level as a function of exp, may be even faster -- but for code that's only rarely called (and anything less than, say, 1,000 times a second surely counts as "rare" here), it'll make no noticeable difference.
Ilmari Karonen

Ohh, I see now, sorry. I fully agree with you and you offer a great alternative for user defined advancement steps per level. But then, probably use preprocessed tables after all.

The simplicity of this solution makes it a clear winner. Do not discount the value of readability and maintainability.

Computers are good at doing menial tasks, not people. You want to simplify the persons life, the programmer, at the expense of the computer if necessary. Using this solution, you only have to write one method, the forward, not the forward and reverse. The simplest solution is not the one he has in code, but building that lookup table. Ram is cheap, use it.


The question has been answered with code, but I think it should be answered with math. Someone might want to understand instead of just copy and paste.

Your system is easily described by a recurrence relation:


Which offers a nice simple closed form solution for XP:


Which we can solve for Level:


(truncate to integer, because the player needs all the required XP to get any of the level-up bonus)

I like this answer. Clear and concise.

Hey Mick; it's been a while since I did recurrence relations. Couldn't we also specify the base case XP_Level(0) = 50 and then we can just avoid solving? Any benefits, pros, cons? I think it'd be good to touch on this answer. +1
Vaughan Hilts

@VaughanHilts I'm not sure how your notation works or what you're asking, feel free to ping me in gamedev chat?

I understood the code answer much easier than this.

Keep working at it @Pharap. When I was a teenager I also understood code more easily than math, but with experience and knowledge the math will become obvious everywhere in life.


Here's one approach to solving the problem using basic algebra. If you don't care about the steps, skip to the bottom.

An easy thing to come up with is, given a level n, the total experience e needed to obtain that level:

e = sum from k=1 to n of (t(k-1))

The t term stands for the increase in XP needed per level - 50, in the example.

We can solve the above using the formula for arithmetic sequences (sum identity):

e = t/2 * n(n-1)

However, we want the opposite formula - the player's level given their total experience. What we really want to do is solve for the level, n. First, let's group the terms:

n^2 - n - 2e/t = 0

Now we can use the quadratic formula:

n = (1 + sqrt(1+8e/t))/2

Final equation:

level = 0.5 + sqrt(1 + 8*(total experience)/(threshold)) / 2

Thanks for the answer. But what if I want to change the Threshold to other variable? Instead of 50 I would like to use 50000 or 1000 0for that matter. How should I modify the equation?

Yes, the solutions should be the same. I wanted to lay out the steps to the solution in case anyone was interested. @JayVDiyk - will edit post.

That was a bit cheeky of you, as I commented that I'll post the full solution after work ;) it's ok, I dont mind. The usual thing is to answer with a reference to the correct answer and note down the extention. Nerver mind, loved to have solved it. Wish more questions like that were posted here.

Sorry, must have missed that comment. Didn't mean to steal it out from under you or anything like that - I'll keep it in mind next time. Your answer is definitely more thorough than mine is after the edit!

+1; with no offense to @Majte intended, I personally find your explanation more readable.
Ilmari Karonen


All the math involved here is very important to know for all sorts of reasons, some of them applicable to game development.


This is a game development site, not a math site. So let's discuss how these things work not as algorithmic series, but as sets, because that is the sort of math that applies to leveling in games you might actually develop to sell, and this is the system that underlies most (but not all) leveling systems (at least historically).

Players tend to prefer nice, round numbers that are easy to remember and visualize, and nowhere is this more important than in a level-based game system where the player need X amounts of xp to advance to level Y.

There are two good reasons for picking round numbers:

  • The level experience itself is a nice, round number "100; 200; 1,000,000; etc."
  • The delta between levels tends to be another nice, round number the player can glance at and calculate in his head.

Round numbers are enjoyable. The purpose of games is to be enjoyable. Pleasantness is important, especially since the game dilemmas will often be anything but pleasant by design.

Why is this important to keep in mind?

Most compound series algorithms do not produce nice, round numbers

Most series do not stop at a pretty point (every answer I've seen here so far just goes on forever). So, what do we do? We approximate, and then we determine what set of levels should apply to the game system.

How do we know what approximations are appropriate? We consider what the point of leveling is within the game system.

Most games have level caps that kick in at some point. There are a few ways this can play out:

  • The cap is encountered relatively early, where the level system only exists to help players get through the first phase of the game in a focused way to force them to learn the complete game system. Once they are "fully grown" the long-game begins.
  • XP gain VS the difficulty level has a certain economy to it where yes, there is a level cap, but it is so far away that we expect players to complete the game about halfway through the leveling chart. In DQ/FF-style RPGs with multiple characters/classes it is more common to have different characters/classes be made to level easier by gaining experience at different rates than changing the required XP for each level per character class. That way players can easily remember the cute little round numbers as universal goals, and know that each character progresses toward them at some arbitrary rate set by the game system (XP + (XP * Modifier) or whatever).
  • Level caps are based on external character category. That is, some factor outside the game system proper dictates what the level system looks like. This is becoming more common as many games are pay-to-win but free-to-play. A free player may be capped at lvl 70, a subscriber may be capped at lvl 80, a one-time purchase may advance someone a level beyond some universal cap, etc.
  • Level caps are universal and tied to the game world in some way. This system has been popularized by WoW.
  • Any other level cap system you might dream up that enhances gameplay in a smarter way than simply rewarding players for wasting more minutes of their life in your made-up world than the other players.

There are some game systems where there is no level cap and the system is algorithmically determined. Usually systems like this use some X-powers-of-Y system to make the numbers explode quickly. This makes it very easy to get to level L-1, reasonably expected that most players will get to level L, inordinately difficult to get to level L+1, and players will grow old and die before reaching L+2. In this case "L" is a level you have decided is the target level appropriate for play and at which normally would have capped the system but leave the option open for people to delude themselves into thinking its a good idea to XP forever. (Sinister!) In this sort of system the math found here makes perfect sense. But it is a very narrow, and rarely encountered case in actual games.

So what do we do?

Calculate the levels and XP? No. Determine the levels and XP? Yes.

You determine what levels mean, then decide what the available set of levels should be available. This decision comes down to either granularity within the game system (Is there a huge difference in power between levels? Does each level confer a new ability? etc.) and whether or not levels are used themselves as a gating system ("Can't go to the next town until you're lvl 10, kid.", or a competitive ladder system enforces level-based tiers, etc.).

The code for this is pretty straightforward, and is just range determination:

level(XP) when XP < 100  -> 1;
level(XP) when XP < 200  -> 2;
level(XP) when XP < 500  -> 3;
level(XP) when XP < 1000 -> 4;
% ...more levels...
level(XP) when XP > 1000000 -> 70. % level cap

Or with an if statement, or a case, or a chain of if/elif, or whatever the language you happen to be using supports (This part is the least interesting element of any game system, I just provide two ways because I happen to be in Erlang mode right now, and the above syntax may not be obvious to everyone.):

level(XP) ->
        XP < 100  -> 1;
        XP < 200  -> 2;
        XP < 500  -> 3;
        XP < 1000 -> 4;
        % ...more levels...
        XP > 1000000 -> 70 % level cap

Is it amazing math? No. Not at all. Is it manual implementation of set element determination? Yep. That's all it is, and this is pretty much the way I've seen it actually done in most games throughout the years.

Là một lưu ý phụ, điều này không nên được thực hiện mỗi khi người chơi có kinh nghiệm. Thông thường, bạn theo dõi "XP để đi" là một giá trị và một khi người chơi cạn kiệt hoặc vượt qua giá trị "phải đi" (bất kể bạn đang làm gì) thì bạn hãy tính toán điều này một lần để tìm ra nơi người chơi thực sự tại, lưu trữ cái đó, tính toán "đi" tiếp theo trừ đi phần còn lại (nếu mang XP về phía trước được cho phép) và lặp lại.

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