Sử dụng Unity 2017.2.0f3, UnityEngine.Random dường như cho kết quả tương tự trên nhiều nền tảng. Đã thử nghiệm trên Windows 10, macOS 10.12 Sierra và Android 7.
Để kiểm tra, tôi đã cắt bớt một lớp SeedFactory tôi đã tạo:
using UnityEngine;
public class SeedFactory {
private Random.State state;
public SeedFactory (int seed) {
state = Random.state;
// Set Unity's global Random state with this SeedFactory's state, get a random int,
// then set our SeedFactory's state with the new state.
// (this allows us to use multiple SeedFactories for multiple paths of determinism
// if desired)
public int GetRandomInt (int minInclusive, int maxExclusive) {
Random.state = state;
int randomInt = Random.Range(minInclusive, maxExclusive);
state = Random.state;
return randomInt;
Và một MonoBehaviour để chạy thử nghiệm:
public class SeedTest : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
SeedFactory seedFactory = new SeedFactory(123456789);
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
result += seedFactory.GetRandomInt(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue) + ", ";
Và kết quả đều giống nhau:
Windows Editor:
217814258, 711215697, 1793372675, -1318111305, -513578644, 1776128467, -1503243711, -285471819, -1800526065, -1845985472, -2061970588, 188207569, 1858341351, -1139513088, 2136219157, 1255727479, -2070068486, 459175680, 1151694536, 1232856178,
Windows Standalone:
217814258, 711215697, 1793372675, -1318111305, -513578644, 1776128467, -1503243711, -285471819, -1800526065, -1845985472, -2061970588, 188207569, 1858341351, -1139513088, 2136219157, 1255727479, -2070068486, 459175680, 1151694536, 1232856178,
macOS Standalone:
217814258, 711215697, 1793372675, -1318111305, -513578644, 1776128467, -1503243711, -285471819, -1800526065, -1845985472, -2061970588, 188207569, 1858341351, -1139513088, 2136219157, 1255727479, -2070068486, 459175680, 1151694536, 1232856178,
217814258, 711215697, 1793372675, -1318111305, -513578644, 1776128467, -1503243711, -285471819, -1800526065, -1845985472, -2061970588, 188207569, 1858341351, -1139513088, 2136219157, 1255727479, -2070068486, 459175680, 1151694536, 1232856178,