Người hướng dẫn lớp Vi xử lý của tôi đã giao cho chúng tôi và nói:
"Viết một Trình biên dịch trong C." - Giáo sư yêu quý của tôi
Vì vậy, nó có vẻ hơi phi logic với tôi.
Nếu tôi không sai Ngôn ngữ hội là bước đầu tiên từ Mã máy đến hành trình của các ngôn ngữ cấp cao hơn. Ý tôi là C là ngôn ngữ cấp cao hơn hội. Vì vậy, điểm của việc viết một Trình biên dịch trong C là gì? Họ đã làm gì trong quá khứ trong khi không có ngôn ngữ C? Có phải họ đang viết Trình biên dịch mã máy?
Nó không có nghĩa đối với tôi khi viết một trình dịch mã máy cho một ngôn ngữ cấp thấp bằng ngôn ngữ cấp cao hơn.
Giả sử chúng ta đã tạo ra một kiến trúc vi xử lý hoàn toàn mới mà thậm chí không có trình biên dịch C cho kiến trúc đó. Trình biên dịch của chúng ta viết bằng C có thể mô phỏng kiến trúc mới không? Ý tôi là nó sẽ vô dụng hay không?
Nhân tiện, tôi biết rằng GNU Assembler và Netwide Assembler đã được viết bằng C. Tôi cũng tự hỏi tại sao chúng được viết bằng C?
Cuối cùng, đây là mã nguồn ví dụ cho một trình biên dịch đơn giản mà Giáo sư của chúng tôi đã cung cấp cho chúng tôi:
// to compile, gcc assembler.c -o assembler
// No error check is provided.
// Variable names cannot start with 0-9.
// hexadecimals are twos complement.
// first address of the code section is zero, data section follows the code section.
//fout tables are formed: jump table, ldi table, label table and variable table.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Converts a hexadecimal string to integer.
int hex2int( char* hex)
int result=0;
while ((*hex)!='\0')
if (('0'<=(*hex))&&((*hex)<='9'))
result = result*16 + (*hex) -'0';
else if (('a'<=(*hex))&&((*hex)<='f'))
result = result*16 + (*hex) -'a'+10;
else if (('A'<=(*hex))&&((*hex)<='F'))
result = result*16 + (*hex) -'A'+10;
FILE *fp;
char line[100];
char *token = NULL;
char *op1, *op2, *op3, *label;
char ch;
int chch;
int program[1000];
int counter=0; //holds the address of the machine code instruction
// A label is a symbol which mark a location in a program. In the example
// program above, the string "lpp", "loop" and "lp1" are labels.
struct label
int location;
char *label;
struct label labeltable[50]; //there can be 50 labels at most in our programs
int nooflabels = 0; //number of labels encountered during assembly.
// Jump instructions cannot be assembled readily because we may not know the value of
// the label when we encountered a jump instruction. This happens if the label used by
// that jump instruction appear below that jump instruction. This is the situation
// with the label "loop" in the example program above. Hence, the location of jump
// instructions must be stored.
struct jumpinstruction
int location;
char *label;
struct jumpinstruction jumptable[100]; //There can be at most 100 jumps
int noofjumps=0; //number of jumps encountered during assembly.
// The list of variables in .data section and their locations.
struct variable
int location;
char *name;
struct variable variabletable[50]; //There can be 50 varables at most.
int noofvariables = 0;
//Variables and labels are used by ldi instructions.
//The memory for the variables are traditionally allocated at the end of the code section.
//Hence their addresses are not known when we assemble a ldi instruction. Also, the value of
//a label may not be known when we encounter a ldi instruction which uses that label.
//Hence, the location of the ldi instructions must be kept, and these instructions must be
//modified when we discover the address of the label or variable that it uses.
struct ldiinstruction
int location;
char *name;
struct ldiinstruction lditable[100];
int noofldis=0;
fp = fopen("name_of_program","r");
if (fp != NULL)
while(fgets(line,sizeof line,fp)!= NULL) //skip till .code section
token=strtok(line,"\n\t\r ");
if (strcmp(token,".code")==0 )
while(fgets(line,sizeof line,fp)!= NULL)
token=strtok(line,"\n\t\r "); //get the instruction mnemonic or label
//======================================== FIRST PASS ======================================================
while (token)
if (strcmp(token,"ldi")==0) //---------------LDI INSTRUCTION--------------------
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r "); //get the 1st operand of ldi, which is the register that ldi loads
op2 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r "); //get the 2nd operand of ldi, which is the data that is to be loaded
program[counter]=0x1000+hex2int(op1); //generate the first 16-bit of the ldi instruction
counter++; //move to the second 16-bit of the ldi instruction
if ((op2[0]=='0')&&(op2[1]=='x')) //if the 2nd operand is twos complement hexadecimal
program[counter]=hex2int(op2+2)&0xffff; //convert it to integer and form the second 16-bit
else if (( (op2[0])=='-') || ((op2[0]>='0')&&(op2[0]<='9'))) //if the 2nd operand is decimal
program[counter]=atoi(op2)&0xffff; //convert it to integer and form the second 16-bit
else //if the second operand is not decimal or hexadecimal, it is a laber or a variable.
{ //in this case, the 2nd 16-bits of the ldi instruction cannot be generated.
lditable[noofldis].location = counter; //record the location of this 2nd 16-bit
op1=(char*)malloc(sizeof(op2)); //and the name of the label/variable that it must contain
strcpy(op1,op2); //in the lditable array.
lditable[noofldis].name = op1;
counter++; //skip to the next memory location
else if (strcmp(token,"ld")==0) //------------LD INSTRUCTION---------------------
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r "); //get the 1st operand of ld, which is the destination register
op2 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r "); //get the 2nd operand of ld, which is the source register
ch = (op1[0]-48)| ((op2[0]-48) << 3); //form bits 11-0 of machine code. 48 is ASCII value of '0'
program[counter]=0x2000+((ch)&0x00ff); //form the instruction and write it to memory
counter++; //skip to the next empty location in memory
else if (strcmp(token,"st")==0) //-------------ST INSTRUCTION--------------------
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"jz")==0) //------------- CONDITIONAL JUMP ------------------
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"jmp")==0) //-------------- JUMP -----------------------------
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r "); //read the label
jumptable[noofjumps].location = counter; //write the jz instruction's location into the jumptable
op2=(char*)malloc(sizeof(op1)); //allocate space for the label
strcpy(op2,op1); //copy the label into the allocated space
jumptable[noofjumps].label=op2; //point to the label from the jumptable
noofjumps++; //skip to the next empty location in jumptable
program[counter]=0x5000; //write the incomplete instruction (just opcode) to memory
counter++; //skip to the next empty location in memory.
else if (strcmp(token,"add")==0) //----------------- ADD -------------------------------
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
op2 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
op3 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
chch = (op1[0]-48)| ((op2[0]-48)<<3)|((op3[0]-48)<<6);
else if (strcmp(token,"sub")==0)
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"and")==0)
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"or")==0)
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"xor")==0)
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"not")==0)
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
op2 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
ch = (op1[0]-48)| ((op2[0]-48)<<3);
else if (strcmp(token,"mov")==0)
//to be added
else if (strcmp(token,"inc")==0)
op1 = strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
ch = (op1[0]-48)| ((op1[0]-48)<<3);
else if (strcmp(token,"dec")==0)
//to be added
labeltable[nooflabels].location = counter; //buraya bir counter koy. error check
token = strtok(NULL,",\n\t\r ");
//================================= SECOND PASS ==============================
//supply the address fields of the jump and jz instructions from the
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<noofjumps;i++) //for all jump/jz instructions
while ( strcmp(jumptable[i].label , labeltable[j].label) != 0 ) //if the label for this jump/jz does not match with the
j++; // jth label in the labeltable, check the next label..
program[jumptable[i].location] +=(labeltable[j].location-jumptable[i].location-1)&0x0fff; //copy the jump address into memory.
// search for the start of the .data segment
while(fgets(line,sizeof line,fp)!= NULL) //skip till .data, if no .data, also ok.
token=strtok(line,"\n\t\r ");
if (strcmp(token,".data")==0 )
// process the .data segment and generate the variabletable[] array.
int dataarea=0;
while(fgets(line,sizeof line,fp)!= NULL)
token=strtok(line,"\n\t\r ");
if (strcmp(token,".code")==0 ) //go till the .code segment
else if (token[strlen(token)-1]==':')
token[strlen(token)-1]='\0'; //will not cause memory leak, as we do not do malloc
token = strtok(NULL,",\n\t\r ");
if (token==NULL)
else if (strcmp(token, ".space")==0)
token=strtok(NULL,"\n\t\r ");
else if((token[0]=='0')&&(token[1]=='x'))
else if (( (token[0])=='-') || ('0'<=(token[0])&&(token[0]<='9')) )
// supply the address fields for the ldi instructions from the variable table
for( i=0; i<noofldis;i++)
while ((j<noofvariables)&&( strcmp( lditable[i].name , variabletable[j].name)!=0 ))
if (j<noofvariables)
program[lditable[i].location] = variabletable[j].location;
// supply the address fields for the ldi instructions from the label table
for( i=0; i<noofldis;i++)
while ((j<nooflabels)&&( strcmp( lditable[i].name , labeltable[j].label)!=0 ))
if (j<nooflabels){
program[lditable[i].location] = (labeltable[j].location)&0x0fff;
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, (labeltable[j].location));
//display the resulting tables
printf("LABEL TABLE\n");
for (i=0;i<nooflabels;i++)
printf("%d %s\n", labeltable[i].location, labeltable[i].label);
printf("JUMP TABLE\n");
for (i=0;i<noofjumps;i++)
printf("%d %s\n", jumptable[i].location, jumptable[i].label);
printf("VARIABLE TABLE\n");
for (i=0;i<noofvariables;i++)
printf("%d %s\n", variabletable[i].location, variabletable[i].name);
for (i=0;i<noofldis;i++)
printf("%d %s\n", lditable[i].location, lditable[i].name);
fp = fopen("RAM","w");
fprintf(fp,"v2.0 raw\n");
for (i=0;i<counter+dataarea;i++)