Cách "dễ nhất" để trả lời điều này dường như được xây dựng đáng kể dựa trên câu trả lời này .
- Chèn mã sau vào mẫu normal.dotm (tìm thấy trong
C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
Windows 7 cho Word)
- Lưu bình thường.dotm
- Thêm phần này vào thanh công cụ quicklaunch trong Word.
- Tùy chọn - ánh xạ lại một phím tắt cho cái này
- Tùy chọn - ký điện tử mẫu của bạn (được khuyến nghị)
Lưu ý rằng điều này thực sự di chuyển tệp cũ vào Thùng rác thay vì bỏ rác hoàn toàn và cũng đặt tên tệp mới theo cách rất thuận tiện.
Option Explicit
'To send a file to the recycle bin, we'll need to use the Win32 API
'We'll be using the SHFileOperation function which uses a 'struct'
'as an argument. That struct is defined here:
hwnd As Long
wFunc As Long
pFrom As String
pTo As String
fFlags As Integer
fAnyOperationsAborted As Long
hNameMappings As Long
lpszProgressTitle As Long
End Type
' function declaration:
Private Declare Function SHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHFileOperationA" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long
'there are some constants to declare too
Private Const FO_DELETE = &H3
Private Const FOF_ALLOWUNDO = &H40
Private Const FOF_SILENT = &H4
Function RecycleFile(FileName As String, Optional UserConfirm As Boolean = True, Optional HideErrors As Boolean = False) As Long
'This function takes one mandatory argument (the file to be recycled) and two
'optional arguments: UserConfirm is used to determine if the "Are you sure..." dialog
'should be displayed before deleting the file and HideErrors is used to determine
'if any errors should be shown to the user
'We have declared FileOp as a SHFILEOPSTRUCT above, now to fill it:
With ptFileOp
.wFunc = FO_DELETE
.pFrom = FileName
If Not UserConfirm Then .fFlags = .fFlags + FOF_NOCONFIRMATION
If HideErrors Then .fFlags = .fFlags + FOF_SILENT
End With
'Note that the entire struct wasn't populated, so it would be legitimate to change it's
'declaration above and remove the unused elements. The reason we don't do that is that the
'struct is used in many operations, some of which may utilise those elements
'Now invoke the function and return the long from the call as the result of this function
RecycleFile = SHFileOperation(ptFileOp)
End Function
Sub renameAndDelete()
' Store original name
Dim sOriginalName As String
sOriginalName = ActiveDocument.FullName
' Save As
Dim sFilename As String, fDialog As FileDialog, ret As Long
Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
'set initial name so you don't have to navigate to
fDialog.InitialFileName = sOriginalName
ret = fDialog.Show
If ret <> 0 Then
sFilename = fDialog.SelectedItems(1)
Exit Sub
End If
Set fDialog = Nothing
'only do this if the file names are different...
If (sFilename <> sOriginalName) Then
'I love vba's pretty code
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=sFilename, FileFormat:= _
wdFormatXMLDocument, LockComments:=False, Password:="", AddToRecentFiles _
:=True, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts _
:=False, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, _
SaveAsAOCELetter:=False, CompatibilityMode:=14
' Delete original (don't care about errors, I guess)
Dim hatersGonnaHate As Integer
hatersGonnaHate = RecycleFile(sOriginalName, False, True)
End If
End Sub