Nếu bạn có thể làm việc với arcpy
Python một chút, thì bạn có thể sử dụng một số tập lệnh để tạo các vùng này theo hướng cụ thể. Tôi đã thực hiện một số tương tự vài tuần trước, tôi sẽ đăng một phần kịch bản của tôi để giúp bạn.
import arcpy, math, gc
# Workspace, overwrite
arcpy.env.workspace = r"YOUR_WORKSPACE"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
objects_input = "objects.shp" # must be polygons
objects = "objects_lyr.shp"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(objects_input, objects)
# OUTPUTS, most temporal
result = "result.shp"
result_erase = "in_memory" + "\\" + "result_erase"
polygon = "in_memory" + "\\" + "polygon"
polygon_dissolve = "in_memory" + "\\" + "polygon_dissolve"
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.workspace, result, "POLYGON")
# Parameters
distance = 300 # distance for move in direction
direction = 90 # direction in degrees (90 is from north to south)
index = 0
# Set UpdateCursor
cur_objects = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(objects, ("FID"))
for row_objects in cur_objects:
fid = row_objects[0]
sql = '"FID" = ' + str(index)
index += 1
# Initialize lists
lines_list = []
lines_created = []
# Select current feature
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "NEW_SELECTION", sql)
vertexes = "in_memory" + "\\" + "vertexes"
# Convert object to vertexes
arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(objects, vertexes, "ALL")
index_vertex = 0
# Set SearchCursor for vertexes
cur_vertexes = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(vertexes, ("SHAPE@XY"))
for row_vertexes in cur_vertexes:
vertex_coords_x = row_vertexes[0][0]
vertex_coords_y = row_vertexes[0][1]
# Define points coordinates
point_move_x = vertex_coords_x - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(direction))
point_move_y = vertex_coords_y - (distance) * math.cos(math.radians(90 - direction))
# Make list of points
new_line = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], [point_move_x, point_move_y]])
# From second cycle
if index_vertex > 0:
lines_vertexes = ([[vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y], start_line])
lines_ends = ([[point_move_x, point_move_y], end_line])
start_line = [vertex_coords_x, vertex_coords_y]
end_line = [point_move_x, point_move_y]
index_vertex = index_vertex + 1
# Cycle that makes polylines from points
for lines_step in lines_list:
lines_created.append(arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*sour) for sour in lines_step])))
arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management(lines_created, polygon)
arcpy.AggregatePolygons_cartography(polygon, polygon_dissolve, 1)
# Final editing
arcpy.Erase_analysis(polygon_dissolve, objects, result_erase)
arcpy.Append_management(result_erase, result, "NO_TEST")
start_line = []
# Clear selection, memory and deleting temps
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(objects, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
print "Object number: " + str(index - 1) + " -- done."
# Catch errors
except Exception as e:
print "Error:"
print e
print "\n"
index += 1
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