Tôi sử dụng tập lệnh thú vị này để tải xuống tệp chiến tranh mới
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
class ThreadHelper{
static done = false;
static starttime = System.currentTimeMillis()
static synchronized printx (message) { printf ("%5s seconds: %20s",(System.currentTimeMillis()-starttime)/1000.0 , message); println("") }
def download(address)
def filename = new File(System.getenv()['CI_HOME'] + '/' + address.tokenize("/")[-1])
def file = new FileOutputStream(filename)
def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file)
out << new URL(address).openStream()
println("executing from ... "+ new File(".").getCanonicalPath())
def counter = new AtomicInteger();
th = Thread.start {
while(!ThreadHelper.done) {
sleep 1000
print '.'
th2 = Thread.start { new ThreadHelper().download("http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/war/latest/jenkins.war") }
Và một tập lệnh khác tắt tomcat - sao chép cuộc chiến và khởi động lại nó
Chúng tôi lưu trữ nó trên windows 2008 và tomcat, tôi sử dụng sc query, sc config, sc stop, sc start để quản lý các dịch vụ windows
set warname=jenkins
if '%name%' == 'trak' set warname=trak
pushd .
if '%name%'=='' goto badname
if '%warname%'=='' goto badname
if '%ci_home%'=='' goto badcihome
REM =====================================================
REM stop windows service
sc stop %name%
REM sleep for 5 seconds see http:\\stackoverflow.com\questions\1672338\how-to-sleep-for-5-seconds-in-windowss-command-prompt-or-dos
ping -n 1 -w 3000 > nul
rem replace forward slash with backward slash
set tomcat_dir=%ci_home:/=\%\instances\tomcat7-%name%
REM Create sub directory called bak-yymmdd-hhmmss
REM where yymmdd-hhmmss is a date-time stamp like 120601-142907
set hh=%time:~0,2%
REM Since there is no leading zero for times before 10 am, have to put in
REM a zero when this is run before 10 am.
if "%time:~0,1%"==" " set hh=0%hh:~1,1%
set yymmdd_hhmmss=%date:~12,2%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%-%hh%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
set backupdir=bak-%yymmdd_hhmmss%
REM =====================================================
md %tomcat_dir%\logs\%backupdir%
cd %tomcat_dir%\logs
dir bak*
echo "nothing-to-log" >> force.log
REM move command will fail if there is nothing to move hence the force log statement above
call move *.* %backupdir%
REM =====================================================
rmdir %tomcat_dir%\webapps\%name% /q/s
echo f|xcopy %ci_home%\%warname%.war %tomcat_dir%\webapps\%name%.war /y
REM TODO===== something about jenkins plugins
REM =====================================================
cd "%tomcat_dir%\bin"
call catalina version
echo =====================================================
echo ====== removing %name%
call service remove %name%
echo =====================================================
echo ====== installing %name%
call service install %name%
echo on
REM setting service to start automatically, note that space before the word auto IS REQUIRED
sc config %name% start= auto
REM =====================================================
sc start %name%
exit 0
goto done
echo 'name required - this will be used as windows service name as well'
exit 1
echo 'CI home env var required - ci_home'
exit 1