Tôi đang ở dưới Windows 10, 64 bit.
Tôi đã thử vài lần để cập nhật Spyder 4.0.0 với cả Anaconda Prompt và Anaconda Navigator. Nó đã thất bại. Tôi gỡ cài đặt Anaconda và cài đặt lại.
Sau đó, tôi chạy Anaconda Prompt với tư cách Quản trị viên và thực hiện:
conda update spyder
Phiên bản của Spyder là 3.3.6. Tôi đã thử lệnh này:
conda install spyder=4.0.0
Dấu nhắc trả về:
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: |
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort.
Finding conflicts: 0%| | 0/360 [00:00<?, ?it/s]|Examining hpack: 42%|█████████████████████████▌ | 151/360 [00:00<00:00, 1468.80it/s]/Examining jupyter_core: 56%|██████████████████████████████▍ | 203/360 [00:00<00:00, 1468.80it/-
- mparing specs that have this dependency: 0%| | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?it/\
Examining jupyter_core: 57%|██████████████████████████████▌ | 204/360 [00:20<00:00, 1468.80it/s]|| mparing specs that have this dependency: 10%|████ | 2/20 [00:18<02:47, 9.32s/i/ |
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 55%|█████████████████████▍ | 11/20 [01:07<00:55, 6.16s/i-
Examining tbb: 73%|███████████████████████████████████████████████▎ | 262/360 [02:35<01:19, 1.24it/s]-Examining jedi: 81%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 292/360 [02:35<00:54, 1.24it/- \
Examining jupyter_client: 90%|████████████████████████████████████████████████▍ | 323/360 [06:03<04:23, 7.12s/i\ \
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 7%|██▋ | 1/15 [00:10<02:27, 10.51s/i-
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 13%|█████▎ | 2/15 [00:21<02:19, 10.73s/i/ |
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 27%|██████████▋ | 4/15 [00:31<01:25, 7.77s/i\ \
Finding conflict paths: 0%| | 0/7 [00:00<?, ?it// -
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 73%|████████████████████████████▌ | 11/15 [01:21<00:29, 7.40s/i\ |
Finding shortest conflict path for jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']: 67%|██████████▋ | 4/6 [00:10<00:01, 1.35it/| -
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 80%|███████████████████████████████▏ | 12/15 [01:34<00:23, 7.91s/i- |
failed /
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with a past
explicit spec that is not an explicit spec in this operation (spyder):
- spyder=4.0.0
The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other:
Package jedi conflicts for:
spyder=4.0.0 -> python-language-server[version='>=0.31.2,<0.32.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.14.1,<0.16']
jupyterlab_server -> notebook -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
anaconda==2019.10 -> jedi==0.15.1[build='py37_0|py36_0|py27_0']
ipython -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
qtconsole -> ipykernel[version='>=4.1'] -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf -> ipywidgets -> ipython[version='>=4.0.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
jupyter_console -> ipython -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
spyder-kernels -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
widgetsnbextension -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
jupyter -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
spyder=4.0.0 -> qtconsole[version='>=4.6.0'] -> ipykernel[version='>=4.1'] -> ipython[version='>=5.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
ipywidgets -> ipython[version='>=4.0.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
notebook -> ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
ipykernel -> ipython[version='>=4.0'] -> jedi[version='>=0.10']
anaconda==2019.10 -> spyder==3.3.6=py27_0 -> jedi[version='>=0.10|>=0.9']
spyder=4.0.0 -> jedi=0.14.1
Package jupyter_client conflicts for:
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf -> jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
widgetsnbextension -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
ipywidgets -> widgetsnbextension[version='>=3.3.0,<3.4.0'] -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
jupyterlab_server -> notebook -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
anaconda==2019.10 -> ipykernel==4.10.0=py27_0 -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.1|>=5.2.0|>=5.2.3|>=5.3.1']
jupyter -> ipykernel -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.1|>=4.2|>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
ipywidgets -> widgetsnbextension[version='>=3.3.0,<3.4.0'] -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
spyder=4.0.0 -> qtconsole[version='>=4.6.0'] -> ipykernel[version='>=4.1'] -> jupyter_client
jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
spyder=4.0.0 -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.1|>=4.2|>=5.3.4']
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version='>=4.5.1'] -> jupyter_client
anaconda==2019.10 -> jupyter_client==5.3.3[build='py27_1|py36_1|py37_1']
spyder-kernels -> ipykernel -> jupyter_client
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client
spyder-kernels -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.3|>=5.3.4']
notebook -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
notebook -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf -> ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version='>=4.5.1'] -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
jupyterlab_server -> notebook -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2']
widgetsnbextension -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4']
ipykernel -> jupyter_client
qtconsole -> ipykernel[version='>=4.1'] -> jupyter_client
qtconsole -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.1']
Package jupyter_core conflicts for:
anaconda==2019.10 -> jupyter_core==4.5.0=py_0
spyder=4.0.0 -> nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
nbconvert -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.2'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version='>=4.5.1'] -> jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
anaconda-project -> anaconda-client -> nbformat[version='>=4.4.0'] -> jupyter_core
anaconda-navigator -> anaconda-client[version='>=1.6'] -> nbformat[version='>=4.4.0'] -> jupyter_core
jupyter -> notebook -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf -> jupyterlab -> notebook[version='>=4.3.1'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
spyder-kernels -> jupyter_client[version='>=5.2.3'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
widgetsnbextension -> notebook[version='>=4.4.1'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
notebook -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
ipywidgets -> nbformat[version='>=4.2.0'] -> jupyter_core
anaconda-client -> nbformat[version='>=4.4.0'] -> jupyter_core
nbformat -> jupyter_core
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
anaconda==2019.10 -> jupyter_client==5.3.3=py27_1 -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0']
qtconsole -> jupyter_core
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
spyder=4.0.0 -> nbconvert -> jupyter_core
jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
nbconvert -> jupyter_core
jupyterlab_server -> notebook -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0']
qtconsole -> jupyter_client[version='>=4.1'] -> jupyter_core[version='>=4.6.0']
Package spyder-kernels conflicts for:
spyder=4.0.0 -> spyder-kernels[version='>=1.8.1,<2.0.0']
anaconda==2019.10 -> spyder-kernels==0.5.2[build='py37_0|py36_0|py27_0']
anaconda==2019.10 -> spyder==3.3.6=py27_0 -> spyder-kernels[version='>=0.5.0,<1']
Package qtconsole conflicts for:
anaconda==2019.10 -> qtconsole==4.5.5=py_0
jupyter -> qtconsole
anaconda==2019.10 -> jupyter==1.0.0=py27_7 -> qtconsole[version='>=4.2']
spyder=4.0.0 -> qtconsole[version='>=4.6.0']
Khi ra mắt Anaconda Navigator, phiên bản Spyder vẫn còn trên 3.3.6.
Tôi còn thiếu gì để mang lại lợi ích cho phiên bản Spyder cuối cùng?
Khi tôi cố gắng sử dụng Anaconda Navigator, nó báo:
spyder 4.0.0 không thể được cài đặt trên môi trường này
Và nó đề xuất các môi trường khác để cài đặt nhưng tôi muốn Spyder được cập nhật, không được cài đặt ở nơi nào khác.
EDIT 2: Tôi thành công thay đổi conda thành 4.6, nhưng tôi nhận được hai lỗi sau:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\brichard\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\anaconda3\\Menu\\spyder_shortcut.jsodone
CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist. C:\Users\brichard\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exe
Running `conda clean --packages` may resolve your problem.
Các conda clean --packages
lệnh không giúp từ các lỗi tương tự được nâng lên sau khi nó được thực thi.