Các biến ngẫu nhiên


Chúng ta có thể nói bất cứ điều gì về sự phụ thuộc của một biến ngẫu nhiên và chức năng của một biến ngẫu nhiên không? Ví dụ là X 2X2 phụ thuộc vào XX ?

Nếu Xf ( X ) độc lập, thì f ( X ) là hằng số gần như chắc chắn. Đó là, tồn tại một sao cho P ( f ( X ) = a ) = 1 . Xf(X)f(X)aP(f(X)=a)=1
hồng y

@cardinal-tại sao không làm cho câu trả lời ?

@cardinal, tôi muốn nhờ John giải thích về nhận xét của anh ấy. Tôi chấp nhận rằng hàm được coi là hàm xác định đã cho. Trong quá trình đó, cuối cùng tôi đã viết ra một lập luận cho kết quả mà bạn đã nêu. Bất kỳ ý kiến ​​đều được chào đón và đánh giá cao.

Yes, X2X2 is dependent on XX, since if you know XX then you know X2X2. XX and YY are only independent if knowledge of the value XX did not affect your knowledge of the distribution of YY.

@iamrohitbanga: Nếu X { - 1 , 1 } thì X 2 = 1 gần như chắc chắn. Vì vậy, X độc lập với X 2 trong trường hợp rất đặc biệt này. X{1,1}X2=1XX2
hồng y

Câu trả lời:


Here is a proof of @cardinal's comment with a small twist. If XX and f(X)f(X) are independent then P(XAf1(B))=P(XA,f(X)B)=P(XA)P(f(X)B)=P(XA)P(Xf1(B))

Taking A=f1(B)A=f1(B) yields the equation P(f(X)B)=P(f(X)B)2,
which has the two solutions 0 and 1. Thus P(f(X)B){0,1}P(f(X)B){0,1} for all BB. In complete generality, it's not possible to say more. If XX and f(X)f(X) are independent, then f(X)f(X) is a variable such that for any BB it is either in BB or in BcBc with probability 1. To say more, one needs more assumptions, e.g. that singleton sets {b}{b} are measurable.

However, details at the measure theoretic level do not seem to be the main concern of the OP. If XX is real and ff is a real function (and we use the Borel σσ-algebra, say), then taking B=(,b]B=(,b] it follows that the distribution function for the distribution of f(X)f(X) only takes the values 0 and 1, hence there is a bb at which it jumps from 00 to 11 and P(f(X)=b)=1P(f(X)=b)=1.

At the end of the day, the answer to the OPs question is that XX and f(X)f(X) are generally dependent and only independent under very special circumstances. Moreover, the Dirac measure δf(x)δf(x) always qualifies for a conditional distribution of f(X)f(X) given X=xX=x, which is a formal way of saying that knowing X=xX=x then you also know exactly what f(X)f(X) is. This special form of dependence with a degenerate conditional distribution is characteristic for functions of random variables.

(+1) Sorry. As I was composing my answer, I didn't get an update that you'd submitted one as well. :)


Lemma: Let XX be a random variable and let ff be a (Borel measurable) function such that XX and f(X)f(X) are independent. Then f(X)f(X) is constant almost surely. That is, there is some aRaR such that P(f(X)=a)=1P(f(X)=a)=1.

The proof is below; but, first, some remarks. The Borel measurability is just a technical condition to ensure that we can assign probabilities in a reasonable and consistent way. The "almost surely" statement is also just a technicality.

The essence of the lemma is that if we want XX and f(X)f(X) to be independent, then our only candidates are functions of the form f(x)=af(x)=a.

Contrast this with the case of functions ff such that X and f(X) are uncorrelated. This is a much, much weaker condition. Indeed, consider any random variable X with mean zero, finite absolute third moment and that is symmetric about zero. Take f(x)=x2, as in the example in the question. Then Cov(X,f(X))=EXf(X)=EX3=0, so X and f(X)=X2 are uncorrelated.

Below, I give the simplest proof I could come up with for the lemma. I've made it exceedingly verbose so that all the details are as obvious as possible. If anyone sees ways to improve it or simplify it, I'd enjoy knowing.

Idea of proof: Intuitively, if we know X, then we know f(X). So, we need to find some event in σ(X), the sigma algebra generated by X, that relates our knowledge of X to that of f(X). Then, we use that information in conjunction with the assumed independence of X and f(X) to show that our available choices for f have been severely constrained.

Proof of lemma: Recall that X and Y are independent if and only if for all Aσ(X) and Bσ(Y), P(XA,YB)=P(XA)P(YB). Let Y=f(X) for some Borel measurable function f such that X and Y are independent. Define A(y)={ω:f(X(ω))y}. Then, A(y)={ω:X(ω)f1((,y])}

and since (,y] is a Borel set and f is Borel-measurable, then f1((,y]) is also a Borel set. This implies that A(y)σ(X) (by definition(!) of σ(X)).

Since X and Y are assumed independent and A(y)σ(X), then P(XA(y),Yy)=P(XA(y))P(Yy)=P(f(X)y)P(f(X)y),

and this holds for all yR. But, by definition of A(y) P(XA(y),Yy)=P(f(X)y,Yy)=P(f(X)y).
Combining these last two, we get that for every yR, P(f(X)y)=P(f(X)y)P(f(X)y),
so P(f(X)y)=0 or P(f(X)y)=1. This means there must be some constant aR such that the distribution function of f(X) jumps from zero to one at a. In other words, f(X)=a almost surely.

NB: Note that the converse is also true by an even simpler argument. That is, if f(X)=a almost surely, then X and f(X) are independent.

+1, I should be sorry - to steal your argument is not very polite. It's great that you spelled out the difference between independence and being uncorrelated in this context.

No "stealing" involved, nor impoliteness. :) Though many of the ideas and comments are similar (as you'd expect for a question like this!), I think the two posts are nicely complementary. In particular, I like how at the beginning of your post you didn't constrain yourself to real-valued random variables.

@NRH accepting your answer as the initial part of your proof seems easier to grasp for a novice like me. Nevertheless +1 cardinal for your answer.
Rohit Banga
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