Câu trả lời:
Từ bash(1)
trang người đàn ông:
-n Read commands but do not execute them. This may be used to check a
shell script for syntax errors. This is ignored by interactive shells.
Hãy dùng thử http://www.shellcheck.net
$ shellcheck myscript.sh
In myscript.sh line 590:
for f in $*; do
^-- SC1009: The mentioned parser error was in this for loop.
In myscript.sh line 617:
if [ ! -e "$somefile".vcf ]; then
^-- SC1046: Couldn't find 'fi' for this 'if'.
^-- SC1073: Couldn't parse this if expression.
In myscript.sh line 1026:
^-- SC1047: Expected 'fi' matching previously mentioned 'if'.
^-- SC1072: Unexpected keyword/token. Fix any mentioned problems and try again.
Chà, nó không cho tôi biết 'nếu' bị thiếu trên dòng 634 nhưng nó khá hữu ích.