Đó là lỗi với một số nhãn hiệu tai nghe. Tôi gặp vấn đề tương tự và tập lệnh python này để kết nối lại tai nghe bluetooth của tôi hoạt động với tôi.
Đảm bảo đã cài đặt ít nhất python 3.5. Hướng dẫn cách sử dụng tập lệnh là tự giải thích trong tiêu đề:
Chỉnh sửa: Tôi đã bao gồm mã mới nhất cho tập lệnh này trong câu trả lời này như một yêu cầu nhưng tôi khuyên bạn nên nhận được lần lặp mới nhất từ liên kết được cung cấp, vì tác giả luôn cập nhật tập lệnh.
#! /usr/bin/env python3.5
Fixing bluetooth stereo headphone/headset problem in ubuntu 16.04 and also debian jessie, with bluez5.
Workaround for bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1577197
Run it with python3.5 or higher after pairing/connecting the bluetooth stereo headphone.
This will be only fixes the bluez5 problem mentioned above .
Licence: Freeware
See ``python3.5 a2dp.py -h``.
$ alias speakers="a2dp.py 10:08:C1:44:AE:BC"
$ alias headphones="a2dp.py 00:22:37:3D:DA:50"
$ alias headset="a2dp.py 00:22:37:F8:A0:77 -p hsp"
$ speakers
Check here for the latest updates: https://gist.github.com/pylover/d68be364adac5f946887b85e6ed6e7ae
Thanks to:
* https://github.com/DominicWatson, for adding the ``-p/--profile`` argument.
* https://github.com/IzzySoft, for mentioning wait before connecting again.
* https://github.com/AmploDev, for v0.4.0
* https://github.com/Mihara, for autodetect & autorun service
* https://github.com/dabrovnijk, for systemd service
Change Log
- 0.5.0
* Autodetect & autorun service
- 0.4.1
* Sorting device list
- 0.4.0
* Adding ignore_fail argument by @AmploDev.
* Sending all available streams into selected sink, after successfull connection by @AmploDev.
- 0.3.3
* Updating default sink before turning to ``off`` profile.
- 0.3.2
* Waiting a bit: ``-w/--wait`` before connecting again.
- 0.3.0
* Adding -p / --profile option for using the same script to switch between headset and A2DP audio profiles
- 0.2.5
* Mentioning [mac] argument.
- 0.2.4
* Removing duplicated devices in select device list.
- 0.2.3
* Matching ANSI escape characters. Tested on 16.10 & 16.04
- 0.2.2
* Some sort of code enhancements.
- 0.2.0
* Adding `-V/--version`, `-w/--wait` and `-t/--tries` CLI arguments.
- 0.1.1
* Supporting the `[NEW]` prefix for devices & controllers as advised by @wdullaer
* Drying the code.
import sys
import re
import asyncio
import subprocess as sb
import argparse
__version__ = '0.4.0'
DEVICE_PATTERN = re.compile('^(?:.*\s)?Device\s(?P<mac>%s)\s(?P<name>.*)' % MAC_ADDRESS_PATTERN)
CONTROLLER_PATTERN = re.compile('^(?:.*\s)?Controller\s(?P<mac>%s)\s(?P<name>.*)' % MAC_ADDRESS_PATTERN)
PROFILE = 'a2dp'
_profiles = {
'a2dp': 'a2dp_sink',
'hsp': 'headset_head_unit',
'off': 'off'
# CLI Arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0])
parser.add_argument('-e', '--echo', action='store_true', default=False,
help='If given, the subprocess stdout will be also printed on stdout.')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--wait', default=WAIT_TIME, type=float,
help='The seconds to wait for subprocess output, default is: %s' % WAIT_TIME)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tries', default=TRIES, type=int,
help='The number of tries if subprocess is failed. default is: %s' % TRIES)
parser.add_argument('-p', '--profile', default=PROFILE,
help='The profile to switch to. available options are: hsp, a2dp. default is: %s' % PROFILE)
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='Show the version.')
parser.add_argument('mac', nargs='?', default=None)
# Exceptions
class SubprocessError(Exception):
class RetryExceededError(Exception):
class BluetoothctlProtocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
def __init__(self, exit_future, echo=True):
self.exit_future = exit_future
self.transport = None
self.output = None
self.echo = echo
def listen_output(self):
self.output = ''
def not_listen_output(self):
self.output = None
def pipe_data_received(self, fd, raw):
d = raw.decode()
if self.echo:
print(d, end='')
if self.output is not None:
self.output += d
def process_exited(self):
def connection_made(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
print('Connection MADE')
async def send_command(self, c):
stdin_transport = self.transport.get_pipe_transport(0)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
stdin_transport._pipe.write(('%s\n' % c).encode())
async def search_in_output(self, expression, fail_expression=None):
if self.output is None:
return None
for l in self.output.splitlines():
if fail_expression and re.search(fail_expression, l, re.IGNORECASE):
raise SubprocessError('Expression "%s" failed with fail pattern: "%s"' % (l, fail_expression))
if re.search(expression, l, re.IGNORECASE):
return True
async def send_and_wait(self, cmd, wait_expression, fail_expression='fail'):
await self.send_command(cmd)
while not await self.search_in_output(wait_expression.lower(), fail_expression=fail_expression):
await wait()
async def disconnect(self, mac):
print('Disconnecting the device.')
await self.send_and_wait('disconnect %s' % ':'.join(mac), 'Successful disconnected')
async def connect(self, mac):
print('Connecting again.')
await self.send_and_wait('connect %s' % ':'.join(mac), 'Connection successful')
async def trust(self, mac):
await self.send_and_wait('trust %s' % ':'.join(mac), 'trust succeeded')
async def quit(self):
await self.send_command('quit')
async def get_list(self, command, pattern):
result = set()
await self.send_command(command)
await wait()
for l in self.output.splitlines():
m = pattern.match(l)
if m:
return sorted(list(result), key=lambda i: i[1])
async def list_devices(self):
return await self.get_list('devices', DEVICE_PATTERN)
async def list_paired_devices(self):
return await self.get_list('paired-devices', DEVICE_PATTERN)
async def list_controllers(self):
return await self.get_list('list', CONTROLLER_PATTERN)
async def select_paired_device(self):
print('Selecting device:')
devices = await self.list_paired_devices()
count = len(devices)
if count < 1:
raise SubprocessError('There is no connected device.')
elif count == 1:
return devices[0]
for i, d in enumerate(devices):
print('%d. %s %s' % (i+1, d[0], d[1]))
print('Select device[1]:')
selected = input()
return devices[0 if not selected.strip() else (int(selected) - 1)]
async def wait():
return await asyncio.sleep(WAIT_TIME)
async def execute_command(cmd, ignore_fail=False):
p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(cmd, stdout=sb.PIPE, stderr=sb.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = await p.communicate()
stdout, stderr = \
stdout.decode() if stdout is not None else '', \
stderr.decode() if stderr is not None else ''
if p.returncode != 0 or stderr.strip() != '':
message = 'Command: %s failed with status: %s\nstderr: %s' % (cmd, p.returncode, stderr)
if ignore_fail:
print('Ignoring: %s' % message)
raise SubprocessError(message)
return stdout
async def execute_find(cmd, pattern, tries=0, fail_safe=False):
tries = tries or TRIES
message = 'Cannot find `%s` using `%s`.' % (pattern, cmd)
retry_message = message + ' Retrying %d more times'
while True:
stdout = await execute_command(cmd)
match = re.search(pattern, stdout)
if match:
return match.group()
elif tries > 0:
await wait()
print(retry_message % tries)
tries -= 1
if fail_safe:
return None
raise RetryExceededError('Retry times exceeded: %s' % message)
async def find_dev_id(mac, **kw):
return await execute_find('pactl list cards short', 'bluez_card.%s' % '_'.join(mac), **kw)
async def find_sink(mac, **kw):
return await execute_find('pacmd list-sinks', 'bluez_sink.%s' % '_'.join(mac), **kw)
async def set_profile(device_id, profile):
print('Setting the %s profile' % profile)
return await execute_command('pactl set-card-profile %s %s' % (device_id, _profiles[profile]))
except KeyError:
print('Invalid profile: %s, please select one one of a2dp or hsp.' % profile, file=sys.stderr)
raise SystemExit(1)
async def set_default_sink(sink):
print('Updating default sink to %s' % sink)
return await execute_command('pacmd set-default-sink %s' % sink)
async def move_streams_to_sink(sink):
streams = await execute_command('pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep "index:"', True)
for i in streams.split():
i = ''.join(n for n in i if n.isdigit())
if i != '':
print('Moving stream %s to sink' % i)
await execute_command('pacmd move-sink-input %s %s' % (i, sink))
return sink
async def main(args):
if args.version:
return 0
mac = args.mac
# Hacking, Changing the constants!
WAIT_TIME = args.wait
TRIES = args.tries
exit_future = asyncio.Future()
transport, protocol = await asyncio.get_event_loop().subprocess_exec(
lambda: BluetoothctlProtocol(exit_future, echo=args.echo), 'bluetoothctl'
if mac is None:
mac, _ = await protocol.select_paired_device()
mac = mac.split(':' if ':' in mac else '_')
print('Device MAC: %s' % ':'.join(mac))
device_id = await find_dev_id(mac, fail_safe=True)
if device_id is None:
print('It seems device: %s is not connected yet, trying to connect.' % ':'.join(mac))
await protocol.trust(mac)
await protocol.connect(mac)
device_id = await find_dev_id(mac)
sink = await find_sink(mac, fail_safe=True)
if sink is None:
await set_profile(device_id, args.profile)
sink = await find_sink(mac)
print('Device ID: %s' % device_id)
print('Sink: %s' % sink)
await set_default_sink(sink)
await wait()
await set_profile(device_id, 'off')
if args.profile is 'a2dp':
await protocol.disconnect(mac)
await wait()
await protocol.connect(mac)
device_id = await find_dev_id(mac)
print('Device ID: %s' % device_id)
await set_profile(device_id, args.profile)
await set_default_sink(sink)
await move_streams_to_sink(sink)
except (SubprocessError, RetryExceededError) as ex:
print(str(ex), file=sys.stderr)
return 1
print('Exiting bluetoothctl')
await protocol.quit()
await exit_future
# Close the stdout pipe
if args.profile == 'a2dp':
print('"Enjoy" the HiFi stereo music :)')
print('"Enjoy" your headset audio :)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
bao gồm đầu ra củamodinfo yourbtmod
(phát hiện mô-đun bt của bạn bằng cáchlsmod |grep bt
Xác minh nếu bạn có một tệp được gọi/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf
và thêm thủ công vào tệp này trong Mục chung MụcDisable = Media
hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn đã cài đặt Phần mềm Debian chính xác cho hỗ trợ thiết bị của bạn,(d):
Đó có thể là một lỗi của bluez, nhưng kể từ hôm nay, bluez ổn định đã đạt phiên bản 5.23 ở phiên bản ổn định và phiên bản 5.43 trong thử nghiệm, tôi nghĩ rằng bạn có thể cần phải thử bất kỳ phiên bản nào trong số đó. Hãy tư(e):
vấn phiên bản kernel của bạn