Tôi sử dụng một plugin rất thô để thêm thông tin về nghệ sĩ và URL vào các tệp phương tiện. Nó cần một số điều chỉnh (và tôi cần thời gian), nhưng nó hoạt động và có thể chứng minh cách thêm các trường bổ sung và cách sử dụng chúng trong chủ đề của bạn:
Plugin Name: Media Artist Field
Description: Adds two field to attachments – Artist and Artist URL – and adds this information to captions.
Version: 0.1
Author: Fuxia Scholz
Created: 19.09.2010
$Media_Artist = new Media_Artist(
array (
'artist_name' => array (
'public' => 'artist_name'
, 'hidden' => '_artist_name'
, 'label' => 'Fotograf (Name)'
, 'artist_url' => array (
'public' => 'artist_url'
, 'hidden' => '_artist_url'
, 'label' => 'Fotograf (URL)'
, 'Foto: '
* Adds two fields for credits to any media file: name and URL.
* Based on the clear tutorial by Andy Blackwell:
* @link http://net.tutsplus.com/?p=13076
class Media_Artist
$fields = array (
'artist_name' => array (
'public' => 'artist_name'
, 'hidden' => '_artist_name'
, 'label' => 'Artist Name'
, 'artist_url' => array (
'public' => 'artist_url'
, 'hidden' => '_artist_url'
, 'label' => 'Artist URL'
// Maybe its own field?
, $caption_prefix
, $br_before = TRUE;
public function __construct(
$fields = array()
, $caption_prefix = 'Source: '
, $br_before = TRUE
$this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $fields);
$this->caption_prefix = $caption_prefix;
$this->br_before = (bool) $br_before;
public function set_filter()
, array ( $this, 'add_fields' )
, 15
, 2
, array ( $this, 'save_fields' )
, 10
, 2
, array ( $this, 'caption_filter' )
, 1
, 3
public function add_fields($form_fields, $post)
foreach ( $this->fields as $field)
$form_fields[ $field['public'] ]['label'] = $field['label'];
$form_fields[ $field['public'] ]['input'] = 'text';
$form_fields[ $field['public'] ]['value'] = get_post_meta(
, $field['hidden']
return $form_fields;
public function save_fields($post, $attachment)
foreach ( $this->fields as $field)
if ( isset ( $attachment[ $field['public'] ]) )
, $field['hidden']
, $attachment[ $field['public'] ]
return $post;
public function caption_filter($empty, $attr, $content = '')
/* Typical input:
* [caption id="attachment_525" align="aligncenter"
* width="300" caption="The caption."]
* <a href="http://example.com/2008/images-test/albeo-screengrab/"
* rel="attachment wp-att-525"><img
* src="http://example.com/uploads/2010/08/albeo-screengrab4.jpg?w=300"
* alt="" title="albeo-screengrab" width="300" height="276"
* class="size-medium wp-image-525" /></a>[/caption]
array (
'id' => ''
, 'align' => 'alignnone'
, 'width' => ''
, 'caption' => ''
, 'nocredits' => '0'
, $attr
// Let WP handle these cases.
if ( empty ($id ) or 1 == $nocredits )
return '';
if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty ( $caption ) )
return $content;
if ( ! empty ( $id ) )
// Example: attachment_525
$html_id = 'id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" ';
$tmp = explode('_', $id);
$id = end($tmp);
$sub_caption = '';
$artist_name = get_post_meta($id, $this->fields['artist_name']['hidden'], TRUE);
$artist_url = get_post_meta($id, $this->fields['artist_url']['hidden'], TRUE);
// Okay, at least one value.
if ( '' != $artist_name . $artist_url )
$sub_caption .= $this->br_before ? '<br />' : '';
$sub_caption .= '<span class="media-artist">' . $this->caption_prefix;
// No name given. We use the shortened URL.
if ( '' == $artist_name )
$sub_caption .= '<a rel="author" href="'
. $artist_url . '">'
. $this->short_url($artist_url)
. '</a>';
} // We have just the name.
elseif ( '' == $artist_url )
$sub_caption .= $artist_name;
} // We have both.
$sub_caption .= '<a rel="author" href="'
. $artist_url . '">'
. $artist_name
. '</a>';
$sub_caption .= '</span>';
$caption .= $sub_caption;
return '<div ' . $html_id . 'class="wp-caption ' . esc_attr($align)
. '" style="width: ' . (10 + (int) $width) . 'px">'
. do_shortcode( $content ) . '<p class="wp-caption-text">'
. $caption . '</p></div>';
public function short_url($url, $max_length=20)
$real_length = mb_strlen($url, 'UTF-8');
if ( $real_length <= $max_length )
return $url;
$keep = round( $max_length / 2 ) - 1;
return mb_substr($url, 0, $keep, 'UTF-8') . '…'
. mb_substr($url, -$keep, $real_length, 'UTF-8');
# @todo uninstall