Tôi đã thử như sau:
def measure(t)
single_measures = []
double_measures = []
double_quoted_string = ""
single_quoted_string = ''
single_quoted = 0
double_quoted = 0
t.times do |i|
t1 = Time.now
single_quoted_string << 'a'
t1 = Time.now - t1
single_measures << t1
t2 = Time.now
double_quoted_string << "a"
t2 = Time.now - t2
double_measures << t2
if t1 > t2
single_quoted += 1
double_quoted += 1
puts "Single quoted did took longer in #{((single_quoted.to_f/t.to_f) * 100).round(2)} percent of the cases"
puts "Double quoted did took longer in #{((double_quoted.to_f/t.to_f) * 100).round(2)} percent of the cases"
single_measures_avg = single_measures.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / t
double_measures_avg = double_measures.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / t
puts "Single did took an average of #{single_measures_avg} seconds"
puts "Double did took an average of #{double_measures_avg} seconds"
puts "\n"
both = 10.times do |i|
Và đây là những kết quả đầu ra:
Single quoted did took longer in 32.33 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 67.67 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.032084099982639e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.171539549983464e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.9 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.1 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 4.998066229983696e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.223457359986066e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.44 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.56 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 4.97640888998877e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.132918459987151e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.57 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.43 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.017136069985988e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.004514459988143e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.03 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.97 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.059069689983285e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.028807639983705e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 25.78 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 74.22 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.107472039991399e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.216212339990241e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.48 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.52 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.082368429989468e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.076817109989933e-07 seconds
số 8.
Single quoted did took longer in 25.97 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 74.03 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.077162969990005e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.108381859991112e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 26.28 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 73.72 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.148080479983138e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.165793929982176e-07 seconds
Single quoted did took longer in 25.03 percent of the cases
Double quoted did took longer in 74.97 percent of the cases
Single did took an average of 5.227828659989748e-07 seconds
Double did took an average of 5.218296609988378e-07 seconds
Nếu tôi không phạm sai lầm, dường như cả hai đều mất khoảng thời gian gần như nhau, mặc dù hầu hết các trường hợp được trích dẫn là hơi nhanh hơn trong hầu hết các trường hợp.