Vấn đề chỉ là khi chữ số cuối cùng là 5. Ví dụ. 0,045 được lưu trữ nội bộ là 0,044999999999999 ... Bạn có thể chỉ cần tăng chữ số cuối cùng lên 6 và làm tròn số. Điều này sẽ cung cấp cho bạn kết quả mong muốn.
import re
def custom_round(num, precision=0):
# Get the type of given number
type_num = type(num)
# If the given type is not a valid number type, raise TypeError
if type_num not in [int, float, Decimal]:
raise TypeError("type {} doesn't define __round__ method".format(type_num.__name__))
# If passed number is int, there is no rounding off.
if type_num == int:
return num
# Convert number to string.
str_num = str(num).lower()
# We will remove negative context from the number and add it back in the end
negative_number = False
if num < 0:
negative_number = True
str_num = str_num[1:]
# If number is in format 1e-12 or 2e+13, we have to convert it to
# to a string in standard decimal notation.
if 'e-' in str_num:
# For 1.23e-7, e_power = 7
e_power = int(re.findall('e-[0-9]+', str_num)[0][2:])
# For 1.23e-7, number = 123
number = ''.join(str_num.split('e-')[0].split('.'))
zeros = ''
# Number of zeros = e_power - 1 = 6
for i in range(e_power - 1):
zeros = zeros + '0'
# Scientific notation 1.23e-7 in regular decimal = 0.000000123
str_num = '0.' + zeros + number
if 'e+' in str_num:
# For 1.23e+7, e_power = 7
e_power = int(re.findall('e\+[0-9]+', str_num)[0][2:])
# For 1.23e+7, number_characteristic = 1
# characteristic is number left of decimal point.
number_characteristic = str_num.split('e+')[0].split('.')[0]
# For 1.23e+7, number_mantissa = 23
# mantissa is number right of decimal point.
number_mantissa = str_num.split('e+')[0].split('.')[1]
# For 1.23e+7, number = 123
number = number_characteristic + number_mantissa
zeros = ''
# Eg: for this condition = 1.23e+7
if e_power >= len(number_mantissa):
# Number of zeros = e_power - mantissa length = 5
for i in range(e_power - len(number_mantissa)):
zeros = zeros + '0'
# Scientific notation 1.23e+7 in regular decimal = 12300000.0
str_num = number + zeros + '.0'
# Eg: for this condition = 1.23e+1
if e_power < len(number_mantissa):
# In this case, we only need to shift the decimal e_power digits to the right
# So we just copy the digits from mantissa to characteristic and then remove
# them from mantissa.
for i in range(e_power):
number_characteristic = number_characteristic + number_mantissa[i]
number_mantissa = number_mantissa[i:]
# Scientific notation 1.23e+1 in regular decimal = 12.3
str_num = number_characteristic + '.' + number_mantissa
# characteristic is number left of decimal point.
characteristic_part = str_num.split('.')[0]
# mantissa is number right of decimal point.
mantissa_part = str_num.split('.')[1]
# If number is supposed to be rounded to whole number,
# check first decimal digit. If more than 5, return
# characteristic + 1 else return characteristic
if precision == 0:
if mantissa_part and int(mantissa_part[0]) >= 5:
return type_num(int(characteristic_part) + 1)
return type_num(characteristic_part)
# Get the precision of the given number.
num_precision = len(mantissa_part)
# Rounding off is done only if number precision is
# greater than requested precision
if num_precision <= precision:
return num
# Replace the last '5' with 6 so that rounding off returns desired results
if str_num[-1] == '5':
str_num = re.sub('5$', '6', str_num)
result = round(type_num(str_num), precision)
# If the number was negative, add negative context back
if negative_number:
result = result * -1
return result